Call For Testers- Very Varied Vest!
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming with a call for testers!
EDIT- I will now only accept applications from size 1 and sizes 9-11, I have chosen all testers in the other sizes- TYSM!!
Hello! I just wanted to pop in and say we are ready for tester applications for the Very Varied Vest- a 4-in-1 dreamy cropped vest pattern- the first pattern Rose and I have ever designed fully together with me on design and pattern writing and Rose on maths and grading! It feels like a huge accomplishment!
We will be testing from the 6th Nov- 5th of Jan- so 8.5 weeks to complete a wee DK vest- I actually think it’ll be amazing and super simple! I’ll pop another pattern page below:
Testing is basically just early access to the (fully edited and formatted) pattern and a knit along with me always available for questions and support in exchange for your help in pointing out any ways I could explain things better or typos etc. I want everyone to be able to pattern test regardless of income so I also always try to provide the option for a handful of yarn bursaries for people who can’t afford yarn for the project- just indicate it in your application!
If you’re interested in testing this, there is way more info on the actual tester form, please click below to find out more and apply!